June 25, 2010 This morning
two loons were
engaged in a raucous exchange that never seemed to end. It
was a wonderful morning to be outside just appreciating the beauty
of bird song, breeze in trees, gentle sound of wind chimes
and enough wind to keep the mosquitoes away.
I took advantage of these ideal circumstances
to do the "rubbing out" procedure to the platters
and tray to which I had added the poly-resin coating.
When the poly-resin has cured sufficiently it is scrubbed
down with extra-fine steel wool to add scratches to the surface. Then,
with water lubricant, and two grades of pumice powder rubbing,
still finer scratches are added to the surface. Finally,
with water as the lubricant again, Rottenstone abrasives are used
to add the final scratches to re-create a silky matt gloss surface. To
the touch it is like a smooth silk. To the eye is is
a low lustre finish with a depth to the wood and decoration achieved
by the thick layer of poly-resin. I find that this saves
me a lot of time. to achieve the same degree of finish
I would have to apply about 16 coats of polyurethane finish. That
is much more time consuming in that it required drying time
and sanding between each coat. The disadvantage of the poly-resin
finish is that it is expensive and I have to make sure that emerging
air bubbles do not get trapped in the drying resin. That
can be quite a challenge in itself.
Friends, Ina and Elmer were taking down two Box Elder
/ Manitoba Maple trees from their yard and offered me the blocks
of wood. I received them gratefully and have taken
time this week to turn a few blocks into bowls and a vase. The
green wood turning on the lathe spits out sap water at me
as I turn it, and when it is turned, I need to dry it strategically
to prevent the splits of "checking" as the wood dries. A
microwave oven can help this process along. I have found
that the drying process usually results in the piece being
somewhat eccentric and further turning on the lathe is not
an option most of the time. It pays to do as much as
possible in the first instance. This is one of the pieces;

Additional images of this piece and of the other
pieces can be found on the Recent
Work Gallery page of this web
June 18, 2010 My home area missed most of the
recent heavy rains that have caused flooding in other parts of
our Province. This spring season has defied all of the usual
expectations for weather with record rains.
I have been finishing some of the wood items
I have been making and have also added the decoration to a Serving
Tray that I constructed last fall.

The outer edges as well as the inner border is red
Padauk wood. The small circles within the border are
aspen dowel and the light wood is birch. The images are
of plants from Friendly Forest in fall colours. The images
were added with wood burning tools (pyrography) and the colour is
with aniline dyes.
June 09, 2010 Some years ago
I started
to make wooden crosses which feature a rough cross shape with an
opening inside of a stylized corpus. I can not claim
credit for the image. Many years ago something similar,
in cast resin, was a product of the Liturgical Press of Collegeville
Minnesota. When I tried to order one of the items for a friend
who had seen one in my home, no one at the Liturgical Press even
remembered ever having them for sale. I had promised one
to my friend, so I decided to make my own version out of wood. That
first product was seen by others and more requests came my way. In
the intervening years I have made several hundred of them.
Initially I made them out of dark hardwoods and used
engraving tools to create a rough textured surface. Later
I found that using spruce lumber from my own forest area
worked the best.
I cut out the outside on my band saw, and then
also cut out the open space. Once the piece is finished,
I mount a 1.5 inch diameter sanding drum in my drill press
and set it to high speed. Using the sanding drum I shape
out the body cavity area and shape it and also round
over the outer edges. Once the basic shape meets my approval,
I replace the sanding drum with a 5 inch diameter wire brush and
with heavy gloves and close attention, I use the rotating wire
brush to "scrub out" the softer wood grains leaving
the hard grain
raised in interesting natural patterns.
I drill a mounting hole from the back and then bath
the entire piece with a dark aniline dye. I used a dark brown
this time.
When this has dried, I set the pieces in the warm
sun and then applied a brushing of paste wax and placed it in the
sun again to help the process of allowing the wood to soak
up some of the wax. then, using a stiff shoe polish brush I
polished the cross surfaces to bring it to a soft lustre.
I made presentation / gift bags for them out
of a dark olive green and tan yellow suede fabric. The
finished cross on the suede fabric looks like this:

Each cross varies with the grain of the wood,
and is uniquely attractive.
I made cards that explain the image; using
this text:
"He is not here; he is risen as he said ... " Luke
This cross represents both the wood
of the cross and the rock of the tomb. The Christian
belief in the resurrection of Jesus is symbolized by
the empty space on the cross and the empty space in the tomb. Those
spaces once held the body of Jesus. Now it is a space
calling us to share in his death if we wish to share in his
I have posted images of other recent work on my Recent
Work Galley page.
May 30, 2010 Two more birch plates / platters completed. They
are 16 inch diameters and 1 inch deep. The stylized landscape
with leaves, berries, wheat and sun is a prototype that I was asked
to consider making. The natural grain pattern of that birch
plate lent itself to the prairie landscape concept. It
would not always be so with other plates. The second
plate with its wood grain would not have suited that kind
of landscape image.

Fall Harvest - 1

FF Leaves -2
It has been very cool and raining for several days
and indoor work seems to be in order. I am usually
happier making a mess while being creative in the shop or my house
than I am cleaning up the clutter and litter that results from
those efforts. Sometimes I think that my creative efforts
are my subconscious way of justifying not keeping
a neater home and shop area.
On May 23 most of my family was able to gather to
celebrate my mother's 95th birthday. It was good to be able
to get together like that.
May 22, 2010 Warmer weather returned
and the blossoms that sat waiting for two weeks also trusted
the skies and opened to sun and insects. A look at Environment
Canada's site shows the possibility of snow on Tuesday, along
with very cool temperatures. There are never any assurances for
May weather in our area.

Over the past weekend I was able to take four days
in the forest at Eagle Camp. The time was great even
if the mosquitoes decided to make their appearance in good
number the same day that I started this spring Fast.
The new cast iron stove I had brought out to the
camp worked very well and with a fraction of the wood used
in the open fire inside the tipi, the stove made more warmth
and lasted longer. It does not have the romance of the open
flames, but it does not have the smoke arising from a
fire starting or cooling either.
King is getting really old, and can only walk short
distances slowly. Yet a few weeks ago he managed to chase
a visiting bear away from the house. I guess the bear did
not know how impotent King actually was.

I planted most of my garden seeds just before I went
out to the forest camp and already most have germinated. While
in the garden area I looked toward the house and saw the willow
in full blossom, and the contrasting colours of the prayer flags
that are tied there seemed to make a very special image.

May 5, 2010 I completed
the final
Inipi - Wolf plate. This one with an aspen leaf border in
a more formal ring. Our scripture study group is winding
up for the season. When summer comes all are too busy with guests
and other summer responsibilities. For some weeks now we
have been
"turfed" from our usual meeting place and have been
meeting in the home of a member of our group. Thanks to the people
of Lutheran Camp Kinaseo for hosting us for the fall, winter and
spring season.

May 2, 2010 After days of
dark and wet weather the sun came out again. I started on
another birch wood plate and added image of Wolf. I have
had requests for more of these, and although I am reluctant
to do multiples
of any item, I am changing part of the image and image setting
to give some variations to the basic image. This is the most
recent version in progress, and then completed

While I was working on this on Saturday I got a call
from a friend and neighbour.. a home made lemon pie was on the
way. The crust and contents made from basic materials,
not packaged mixes, and a wonderful treat. Here is what it
looked like, still warm from the oven:

I had been using part of the day to make my
own version of French Onion Soup. So I was able to exchange
some of my soup and a cheese mixture for on top of the soup
for the pie. Later in the season I will return the pie plate
with something else inside. We have been doing this
to our mutual pleasure for a few years now.
April 24, 2010 This
morning we have snow on the ground again. This follows unseasonably
warm weather for this area. Aspen leaves had started
to emerge from buds. This is about a month earlier than usual
for our latitude.
Yesterday morning as I stood on the
deck the frog chorus was in full throat, the geese and ducks were
making all sorts of territorial noise and in the distance a few
wolves were greeting the morning sun with their howls. That
comes really close to my idea of paradise.
I took a photo over
the pond just after morning prayer

This morning at about the same time we see

... and this looking down the slope toward the Initi

On Thursday I finished setting up the Tipi
at Eagle Camp and was able to spend a few hours there on
Friday morning (April 23). This spring I obtained a small
cast iron stove. I added a 4 foot length of pipe and
a diffuser rain cap and tried it out. Although it lacks the romance
of open flames burning from the fire pit in the centre of the tipi,
the small stove is much more fuel efficient and throws more
heat. It will also be much safer as it is not able to throw
sparks and is much easier to control the burn rate of the
wood fuel.

I have really enjoyed the warm weather we have had
over the past week and have done some good work outside while
neglecting the indoor stuff. Hey, after our winters, what
sane person would do otherwise?
April 5, 2010 It is Easter
Monday morning. Yesterday
I entertained 13 guests at my table. We ranged in
age from 7 months to 88 years. It was great to celebrate
Easter in this manner, and the weather cooperated very well. Just
as the final guests were leaving in the evening the sky darkened
and lightning flashed with our first thunderstorm of the
season. Thunderbird is always welcome and as it drives out what
is negative or evil from winter time, it brings cleansing and refreshing
rain. This time the early rain turned to sleet as the temperatures
dropped and this morning a few light snow flakes drift from the
A few weeks back I purchased an electric pressure
washer. I have been using it to clean some larger area rugs
as well as cleaning accumulated grime and algae from
my Tipi cover. We still have some snow and ice on the ground
so I have not been able to place these items on the ground
but have used my deck instead. That works well except for
the tipi cover. It is for an 18 foot tipi which means the
bottom edge is a 56 foot semi-circle. By folding
and refolding the canvas I was able to wash and dry the cover. Now
I am anxious to be out in the forest again to set up Eagle Camp
for this season.
Two pair of geese are back and are doing their competitions
for control of the best nesting sites. Friends have
seen my wolf neighbours near by. While I have heard them
howl during my morning prayer time, I have not sighted them myself.
March 28, 2010 Since
completing the wolf face shown below
I have had requests from several people to either sell it
to them or to make them one as well. Each of these images
is rather special to me and no two are exactly alike. I
start with the same outline sketch but all of the detail
is done freehand. I start with the eyes and nose parts
of the image, and especially with this image, it seems as if Wolf
is there looking at me and warning me to do it right, as it is his/her
face I am bringing out of the wood surface. Each series of
wood burning touches on the wood brings more and more of
its face.
It reminds me somewhat of some sculpture
that I have done, where the sense is that one is removing the
parts of the wood that are not of the hidden being, and the task
is to remove the excess carefully to not damage the special being
inside. With the wood burning it is an even stronger sense
of this as each stroke brings about part of the finished image,
and is irreversible. A pyrography tip held too long on the
wood, or at a temperature too high will mar the wood and can not
be erased. Care and good fortune are required.

Inipi Wolf 2
Pyrography on birch wood plate
March 23, 2010 I have completed a plate which
was ordered as a wedding gift. The request was based on an
earlier plate decorated with leaf images from Friendly Forest. The
customer requested the addition of the names of the young couple
and the date of their upcoming wedding. Go to Wood
and Shop to see the stages of the decoration process.

March 1, 2010 The Olympics
are over and I will admit that I got caught up in them more
than I had expected. Having
a good TV to see the images certainly helped.
Yesterday was full moon and so was my day for the
Inipi prayer at Friendly Forest. It was a super day for many
reasons. The weather was mild, and since it was a Sunday
I had also attended church services in the Village. Unexpected
circumstances prevented two participants from coming so that
left two of us. My prayer companion is tri-lingual in Dakota,
Cree and English, so his prayers were in all three languages. It
was good to hear Dakota and Cree used within the Initi again. It
was a very good prayer experience for all of us and I thank
Creator for those gifts of connection.
I have added the finish to the plate with the Wolf
face. It brings out the image - wood contrast better
than the unfinished surface.

This week will see me continue to prepare my house
for the House Concert guests on Sunday. I need to be
ready to move furniture around and bring up extra chairs etc. This
is causing me to want to de-clutter my living spaces. That
instinct is at war with my hoarder instincts. Perhaps
there will be a compromise?
February 24, 2010 Since my
last post here I reluctantly traded in my 2005 VW Golf TDI on a
2010 version of
the same car. I like the newer version and it still gets
me the same fuel efficiency with even more power, but that puts
me back into debt to VW Finance. My rationalization was that
I would need to be putting that same kind of money aside to be
able to replace the 2005 model at the end of its expected life.
This way I have the security of a full warrantee plus
a few new luxury features. Time will
tell if it was a wise decision.
I have also started back to adding images to some
of my turned birch plates. I just finished a special request
piece. The unfinished wood image is shown here:

The plate is 14 inches in diameter.
I have also been working to organize a house
concert at Friendly Forest for the first Sunday of March. I
have invited two local musicians to share their talents. We
have invited about 30 friends to share the evening of
good music after sharing pot-luck desserts. The one thing
we have absolutely no control over is the weather. I look
forward to meeting friends and listening to good music by
Walter Berg and Dan Dyck.
February 6, 2010 I took some
time this morning to do a search of my name using Google. I
found things there I had totally forgotten I had ever written or
posted. Along
with the endless repetition of information on my Green Party
candidacy in 2003, there were references to my work with
the Prince Albert Food Charter group, and even old Letters to the
Editor that are in the archives of the Prairie Messenger, the Catholic
Weekly Newspaper for Saskatchewan. Some of these letters
date back quite a few years.
When I wrote the letters I was feeling very
strongly about the issues, and on reading them back I find that
my thoughts have not changed, nor have the circumstances
that I was "railing" against.
While it seemed a bit disconcerting that documents
that I no longer had in my own files were still out there
in cyberspace, I also thought that I should gather
them in in some fashion. What I have done is added them
to my Soap Box Forum Index.

While I was working on those pages I also deleted
some that were clearly more dated and some which had been
contributed by others who probably had also forgotten about
their authorship of the items.
Clearly it is time for me to do a significant overhaul
of my entire web site. Since you are reading this entry now
and perhaps you also check out different parts of this web site,
I would appreciate your comments about what you have seen,
what you would prefer to see, and how you found the navigation
I am still trying to keep the site pages simple and
quick to load. I vividly recall my many years of being
on a slow "dial up" modem connection and cursing site
developers who made pages I could never load because of all
of the large files they contained.
Use the contact information in the left
column on this page or on my Contact Page.
I have also been considering updating
my vehicle to a 2010 model. Whether the final agreements
are going to happen will depend on what I am offered on my
present 2005 VW Golf TDI (GLS). I have been delighted
with the car but would prefer the security of a warranty
February 3, 2010 It snowed
some over the past few days and I decided to take advantage of
the sunny weather to clear the snow from my yard and drive
The sun is higher in the sky and my air lock
is beginning to get warmer with that sun. Soon on an
afternoon like this one I will be able to open the door to
the house and access the warmth that has been generated that
A friend and former member of our community died
a few weeks ago. The service was held in our village and
the community came out in good support of the three children
who were able to make it out. I have very good memories of this
man and his children as the children were growing up here. Rest
in peace, Adrian.
My General Electric wall oven, installed some
20 years ago, works fine, but over the years the plastic knobs
on the timer and clock have become brittle and have broken. Sometimes
the buzzer mechanism would go off without warning and I was
having increasing difficulty finding out how to stop the
irritating buzz. Last week it started to buzz and nothing
I tried would work to stop the noise. The only way
I could get some peace was to turn off the breaker
in the breaker panel. I took the control plate off and saw
a mass of wires and no wiring scheme. I did not want
to disconnect a wrong wire and create a bigger problem
so I called an appliance repair shop. The charges to
come out here were high .. over $150 or $160 just to
come out here. The only alternative was to wait till
there was another service call in the area and then share the
cost of travel. After more than a week I decided to
take another look myself. Once I had the panel opened
I found a browned and crispy paper which had the wiring
scheme. I handled it gently and made a copy on my copy machine. Well,
it was schematic, not diagrammatic and did not help me enough
to give me confidence. But I did see a small unit that looked
like a coil magnet ... clocks don't need magnets, but buzzers
probably did, so I thought I might pull one black wire out
of that coil. It worked, and nothing else on
the stove or oven seemed to be affected. I taped off the
end of the pulled wire and reassembled the panel and put
the breaker back on. The simple pleasure of using the
oven or the stove without the irritating sound of the buzzer
became one of the simple pleasures of the day. There are
so many other simple things that we take for granted and ignore
and so deprive ourselves of great satisfaction and even joy. We
need to stop and look and listen and then just smile at
what delights us.
January 20, 2010 My four-footed
friend King has made a bit of a comeback for which I am very grateful. I
hope that he is able to have comfort and dignity
during these final times before his passage to the other
side. I have made some modifications to my home to help
him maintain footing when he is able to stand, and
I try to be there to assist when he needs it.
Later this week I will be hosting some young friends
who are coming to our community for the funeral of their father. He
was a good man and I appreciated him as a friend when he was alive. I
am pleased to be able to be of some support to his children
at this time. I have known them since they were children.
There are times when I take up a cause in which
I believe strongly, and currently I have undertaken such
a cause within my own church. I believe that all Christians
are called to be prophets, and that means seeing things with a
new set of eyes. It is not acceptable that we perceive
and respond to our community as if we were just a secular society. In
our church we are to be a community / family of believers dedicated
to living out the teachings of the head of our community. That can,
and often does, mean that we do things differently and from different
values. The Sermon on the Mount / the Beatitudes, call us
to see with new eyes, to live in contradiction to the
teachings and wisdom of the world. Surely we should do so
within our own Christian communities as well. Enough said. I
will see where things go and I hope that I will be able to speak
the truth in charity.
Another pyrography effort:

January 16, 2010 If you
read this page and have been to Friendly Forest over the past 12
years, you will
likely remember my canine companion "King". This
morning he did not accompany me up the stairs when I got
up. A short while later I heard a bump and went to investigate. I
found my friend on the floor, unable to stand and clearly
struggling to breathe. While he seems to have stabilized somewhat
I must face the prospect that he may have started on his
journey to Creator on the other side. If you knew him and
he gave you delight in being who he was, I would request that you
ask Creator to be supportive and gentle with this wonderful being
he brought to life and who he brought to be my best
friend here at Friendly Forest. He might still regain strength
and be with me for a while longer, but even if that
were so, it will be borrowed time. We owe so much to so many,
and I know how much I owe to this friend and to Wayne who made
sure that King would find a home with me when Wayne himself went
to the other side.

January 6, 2010 It is a new
calendar year and when I just typed in the date I still made it
as 2009 before
I corrected it.
I have been turning more large plates
/ platters in birch wood to serve as a canvas for more pyrography
efforts. This morning I completed a set of four images;
eagle, bison, bear and wolf (my spirit helpers). I decided
to use a simple board as a practice piece. I hope to get better
but I am still pleased with what I have made as my first effort. I
have added images of several stages in this process on my Wood
and Shop page. I am sure that there are better ways of
doing this and that I will learn some of those better ways. For
now, however, this is what I am able to produce.
The Christmas and New Year period have been wonderful
around here. It is beautiful and we have had some fresh snow. Still
I can walk my forest trails without the help of snowshoes. I
have had guests and enjoyed our times together immensely ... as
did King. King has reached the conclusion that guests
mean additional access to food and treats. He is usually
correct in that assumption. Once guests have departed, he
settles right back and stops agitating for those treats.
I will post images of the completed animal
images here. Eagle was from a pattern by Sue Walters. The
other three I made working from a photograph of the animal.

December 22, 2009 Solstice
is past and final preparations for the Christmas celebration are nearly
completed here. I have a few phone calls to make yet but
all my letters are off. I have created a generic Christmas
letter again to spare me repeating general information on
each letter. I
am adding it here as a PDF
document for anyone who may have missed
getting a letter. A few addresses may now be obsolete. I
have also added images to two more plates;

December 19, 2009 It has been
foggy and hoar frost is forming everywhere. The frosty
outlines of everything distracts my attention from the dark
of our winter days as we near Solstice.
This morning I started to make line images of some
animals. I want these to apply to wood for wood burning /
pyrography. I started with full photographs and then
traced the major tonal areas onto parchment paper. At first
I made a temporary light box by placing a sheet of plate glass
over a laundry basket. I had placed a desk lamp into the
basket and turned the bulb upward. Then, with image and paper
taped into position so they would not move, I traced the
outlines for Wolf. Later in the morning I also did
some by
taping the sheets onto the window. The regular and somewhat
brighter light from outside made the task easier. I then took
these tracings to my scanner and made jpeg images for my
file. By flipping the image horizontally I will be able to
make my transfer sheet that corresponds to the full scale image
that I started with. The outline will be the
guide for the initial line burning, and the full tonal photo image
will guide the shading work with the pyrography tool.
I also took a few images of the frosty morning. Here
are a few images:

December 17, 2009 The bitter
cold has
ended for the time being and seasonable temperatures seem nearly
balmy! I have tried my hand at adding one of Sue Thomas'
wildlife images to a birch plate using pyrography. It
was my first effort with an animal image and I am pleased
with the result. I am also pleased that I had some experience
using the pyrography tools on simpler subject matter. Here
is what this efforts looks like:

I am trying to complete Christmas messages to friends
and family and am using regular mail. However, if time runs
short I may resort to electronic mail for some as well. If
you have followed this journal over the past year, there
is not much new in my letter.
December 13, 2009 The temperatures have continued
to be very cold with wind chills of minus 52 degrees the
other evening. Nice to be able to stay indoors and work on
other things.
I have finished a few other items and
today finished one of the large birch plates. I will show the
finished item here but am also showing the stages of
the design completion on my Wood
and Shop page.

I have started on my generic Christmas letter and
hope to get them sent soon. I have also been busy doing
some tasks for our "Helping Hands" project. We are
trying to support local families who are experiencing tight budget
problems at this time. Our community has been generous and
at this time we have identified 16 local families to get this support. It
is very satisfying to be able to help this process happen.
December 8, 2009 Winter has come with temperatures
in the minus 30's. This has given me ample reason to stay
indoors to work on things here. I am "rubbing out" the three
tray bottoms and have the platters to do yet. I am
finishing three birch boxes and am using colour to add to the impact
of the simple boxes.
I have assembled three sets of napkins and
napkin rings and am still making the fabric bags for my finished
wood items.
Click on the link to go to my Recent
Work 1 page
to see the latest items I am making.

November 30, 2009 This
morning as I stood
on my deck overlooking the pond at Friendly Forest, sending my heart
and mind upward in morning prayer time, I was struck by the
sounds coming from the pond.
Because there is still no snow
cover over the ice, there is no blanket to muffle the sounds that
happen as winter progresses.
There were pings and slight
booms and crunching sounds as ice sheets shrank and
split and moved against each other a bit adjusting to the
weight. But there were also sounds of "burping" and "stomach
rumbles" that we might be more familiar with from our own digestive
systems trying to deal with a meal that does not fully
agree with our system.
It made me think about what
interpretation might have been given to these sounds if I did not
understand the expansion
of ice as it freezes, the shrinking of water as it cools
to the freezing temperature, the difference in temperatures between
the water under the ice and the colder air above the ice,
and the release of decomposition (digestive) gasses from
the pond bottom where micro-organisms are busy feeding
and recycling organic
matter that has settled to the pond bottom.
Even though I
might understand the natural explanation for these sounds I am
able to give it another comparison as well; Thunderbird
has come to cleanse the land and the hearts and bodies of the
Nations of the earth, and all that is negative, all evil spirits,
have been driven before the wrath and flash and thunder
of this great and powerful spirit of Creator's cleansing
and healing work. Evil has been driven into hiding in the
waters where it finds refuge. Here, in the waters where evil
has been chased, it rumbles and belches its discontent at being
confined within the pond and its inability to contaminate and undo
the goodness that Creator wishes to reign on the earth. Although
natural science offers one explanation that applies to the natural
world, ancient stories also explain what applies to the
spiritual world, and the relationship for good that exists between
and the creatures that Creator loves.
I had these thoughts as I rotated sun-wise through
my meditation prayer ,and as I faced the home of the West
Wind I saw the nearly-full moon still above the horizon, shining
brightly with the reflected light of the still hidden sun. All
through the night with its clear skies, the moon has declared the
bright and life-giving power of the sun, Creator's first gift to
the Nations on the earth. Although we may not even see it,
the life-giving power of Creator is always with us, and we need
the light of full moons to show us what is, but
is not seen ... that is what we are to be for each other in the
night times of our lives.
And so ends this morning's reflection.
November 27, 2009 I have finished making the
series of serving trays and have added images to two
more. Although
they still need more work, this is what they look like:

Although similar, they are not identical. The
Birch and Walnut side walls really differentiate them, and still
more from the Padauk-sided one shown below.
I refer to these two as my "Signature Trays", because
the image attempts to communicate both my given name and a
profound lesson taught by the Sacred Tree.
November 20, 2009 The weather
is still holding unusually mild for this time in November. No
complaints from anyone that I have heard. I have been working in
the shop on some
special orders. I have completed a custom order table / stool,
have completed one special serving tray with more in progress,
and have made a custom box from
Birch wood. A patterned , heavy green fabric that I
have been using for gift /presentation bags has attracted
good attention. Although it adds to my costs it makes a suitable
way to present the items. These bags protect the item
finish and can be used as a gift bag. I
will take a photo of this and add it to my site shortly.

I am also adding these images to my Recent
Work Page.
November 11, 2009 While there
is still snow on the ground, the weather has temporarily turned milder
and the sun has been out. I have been making more wood items
which are featured on the Recent
Work Page. Here are two of them.

For people awaiting promised wood items, I will be
making a series of serving trays and birch wood boxes as
my next-in-line work.
I have started Karen Armstrong's book, "A Case
for God" and believe I will find it all most interesting. I
now have a stack of at least 10 books waiting to be read. Somehow,
while the weather is still decent outside it seems inappropriate
to be sitting indoors reading books. However, the nights
are getting much longer as the sun sinks into the southern
October 31, 2009 The weather
is grey and snow has started on this Halloween day. Anew
beaver lodge has taken form on the pond .

I have created a page outlining
a grievance I have with SaskTel, a crown corporation which is determined
to exhibit the worst attitudes of corporate greed and disrespect
for its customers. Click
here to see the context of my anger
and disgust.
I have finally taken photos of recent work and have
posted to my Recent Work 1 web page. Here are a few
thumbnail images:

October 13, 2009 Thanksgiving day
was like most in the past two weeks, cold, snowing and wet! That
was what it was like outside. However, inside with a warm
house, good food and wonderful friends, Thanksgiving day was just
I was able to host ten friends. Although roads
were wet they did not prevent anyone from coming. Now to
deal with leftovers. My planning did take that into account,
and the best parts are able to be frozen for meals later
in the year.
With the outside so cold and wet and white it seemed
like a good time to do some shop work. I worked at making
a platter with lid. I added leaves as a decorative top, using
a wood burner tool. I still need to finish the wood however. The
inside will be finished with a poly-resin finish to make it food
safe and essentially waterproof as well. That will darken
the wood and give it a rich amber colour, but to keep the outside
blonder colour I have been considering using a varathane finish.

The wood is birch and the handle is black walnut. The
lower portion is 16 inches in diameter, and the lid is 14 inches
in diameter. The white ceramic bowl is 4" in diameter
and is for dip / relish / etc.
October 7, 2009 The weather has changed; it
is wet and cold with snow predicted later today and for the
next few days! I have taken a few moments in the shop over
the past weeks and produced a few turned pieces:

These are made from a few pieces of spalting birch
wood. The vase necks are Wenge and Walnut.
In August I made a purchase of a wonderful art piece
by artist John Giesser of Big River . It is an eagle carved
from two moose antlers. I love the piece and thank John for
sharing his gift with me. Following are a few images of this
sculpture. It presents a new perspective from all angles
... the mark of a great sculpture.

September 20, 2009 Summer
has been late and seems to be merging with the Fall season. We
have not yet had a frost. That is nearly a month later than
normal for this area. I am not complaining. Here are
a few Sunday
morning images:

Dolgo crab apples ready to be picked and processed.

A clear sky at 06:00 is clouding over. In a
few minutes there was thunder and rain, providing me with an excuse
to not work outside today.

Pin cherries that have escaped the birds and squirrels. I
guess there have been too many other treats available this
summer. The berry and nut crops have been good.
I have just finished a custom order trestle-style
table. It is a shorter version of my own dining table. I
will post an image later when I have added the final
coat of varathane varnish.
August 11, 2009 This morning
I made a trip out to Big River Taxidermy and met with John
Giesser, the owner. We had a very good and interesting visit
and I came home with one of his art works. Thank you
John for your hospitality and for sharing that wonderful
piece with me.
I have also finally finished the purpleheart table
that had been commissioned some months ago.

It was designed for a special location in the
new owner's home. Although I really dislike working with
that wood, I drudgingly admit that it is a good looking wood when
it is all said and done. I now have a few other things I
have promised and still have to complete.
I have had the pleasure of good friends stopping
by during the summer. It gives me an excuse to not do some
unpleasant chores and to just enjoy friends and pretend to be really
I had a really wonderful time praying at
the Whapeton Sundance in July. I am thankful that this spiritual
community is open to allowing people from different backgrounds
to come to pray with them like this. While I have not been
called to actually participate as a dancer, I go to support those
who do with my prayers, and also join my petitions to Creator "so
that the people might live."
My second dog Elmo is having a few weeks of holidays
from me and this place. His former "master" / friend had
some time off and was able to take Elmo back for a while. I
am sure both will be enjoying that time a great deal.
Over the past year or so I have been finding more
and more people who are sincerely interested in knowing more about traditional
First Nations ways of praying. They have not been so fortunate
as I, to have been found by teachers who have helped
me in learning about this way of life and of prayer. It
makes me realize just how fortunate I have been in this regard.
a visitor to this site does want to know more about what
I have come to understand about some elements of this spiritual
tradition and are unable to find an elder for yourself, and
are unable to come out here in person, get hold of me with an inquiry
and perhaps I might be able to direct you to others or point to
a few answers and support your own enquiry with my prayers as well.
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